Completable Future in TypeScript

Posted on Feb 16, 2024

For an application that I’m currently developing, there are two components that are called from a central entrypoint function. It has now come to the point where I need to share data after it was properly initalized in the one component, to the other component. The other component can start off its journey, but will need to wait at some point until the data is available.

Java has a function for that, the CompletableFuture [Baeldung], but there’s no simple equivalent in JavaScript.

Of course, I want to avoid the need for top-level/global properties since they’re both ugly and unsafe to use, especially if the resolving component has async code around.

The sender should be able to call a function resolve: (value: T) => void;, and the receiver should wait with const value: T = await future, so the code for the type looks like this:

type Future<T> = {
    resolve: (value: T) => void;
    future: Promise<T>;

An option to implement that feature is to piggyback on the Promise API: An initalizer for the Future will then make use of the await functionality of Promises, extract the resolve function in the executor (that’s the callback in the Promise constructur) and return both the promise and the resolve callback:

export const createFuture = <T>(): Future<T> => {
    var resolve: (value: T) => void;

    const future = new Promise<T>((r) => {
        resolve = r;

    return {
        // @ts-ignore

There is this stinky @ts-ignore in the return statement, since the resolver is only assigned in the Promise executor. While the executor is called synchronously [see MDN], this is somehow not respected by the type system, which then complaints that resolve may be uninitialized.

I hope that helps whoever needs to share state between two components.